
We know better than anyone that a lot of personal information is shared in a coaching process and that the security of this information is of great importance. We have divided our security into two important factors. It goes without saying that all sensitive information must be handled with integrity. We ensure that our employees handle this information with care through training.

On the other hand, data is also stored in our database. This information plays an important factor in achieving the desired end result. To store this information as securely as possible, we have implemented a certified management system that can guarantee the security of the data through various security measures.

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Gingermood has implemented a certified management system for the security of information (ISO 27001). In addition to this system, a report has been drawn up according to ISAE 3402. This report will be audited by an external auditor in the first quarter of 2019.

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Gingermood values the security and confidentiality of sensitive information. In order to guarantee the security of all confidential information that we deal with, we continuously adapt our processes to the requirements of the law, the demands of the times and the requirements of our clients.

Internal responsibilities

Als gegevensverantwoordelijke is Gingermood rechtstreeks verantwoordelijk voor de gegevens die wij verzamelen. Deze verantwoordelijkheid nemen wij zeer serieus, en daarom trainen wij onze medewerkers op het verantwoord omgaan met informatiebeveiliging, interne protocollen en procedures welke gebonden zijn aan geheimhoudingsverklaringen. Ook de coaches uit de Gingermood Community hebben zich geconformeerd aan het informatiebeveiligingsbeleid en worden periodiek geïnformeerd over en getoetst op de naleving van de afspraken. Hierdoor wordt de beveiliging op de best mogelijke manier gewaarborgd. Voor meer vragen over de veiligheid van gegevens kunt u altijd contact met ons opnemen.